Here are some of the churches we attend- join us!
The Commons Church– Very campus focused, 2 services, 80% under 30yrs old.
Trinity Church– this is mega church in the Lansing area. 3 services- Saturday night at 6, Sundays at 9:15 & 11. Ethnically diverse pastoral team.
2|42 Community – This church really focuses on inviting new people and growth for new believers. Teaching doesn’t go in-depth, but I love the practical application each Sunday. Music is concert-like, lively, and the audience is young.
Crossway Multinational Church– Right across from campus on Hagadorn road. The pastor is also a professor at MSU. The church is diverse with many international students and families.
Riverview Church- Holt- college age crowd, worship style- rock- Sundays at 11am. Grad IV contact- Chris.
Riverview Church-REO Venue- near downtown Lansing.
Crossroads- 10:30 Sundays- multi-ethnic church in Old Town
Capital City Vineyard- smaller church, including professors who meet on campus to pray every week.
Edgewood United Church of Christ– and affirming, social justice activists- Sundays at 10am. More traditional music style.